Applying Shamanism
Springtime in Teotihuacan
April 2 – April 8, 2025
Services, Sessions,
Life Transitions, & Blessings
LIVE from the
Dreaming House
Energy Updates
& Briefings


Sunday, March 16, 2025 at 2:00pm PDT LIVE from the Dreaming House in Teotihuacan Mexico – with visionary dreamer Alberto Hernandez and his wife, master-chef Veronica, and a visit with artist Emily Grieves – including a live “Art with Emily” experience of your own innate creativity.

Wednesday, April 2 – Tuesday April 8: SPRINGTIME IN TEOTIHUACAN – with Francis Rico

Tuesday, April 8 – Thursday, April 10: SPRINGTIME IN TEOTIHUACAN – Extended Rest & Reflection Days with Francis Rico


Applying Shamanism Here & Now for 2025: Applying Shamanism Here & Now Program for 2025 is free for participants! The program will include short video messages offering practices, tools, opportunities to create practical magic in your life.

Applying Shamanism Here & Now INTENSIVES for 2025: Small group intensives will be offered frequently. These programs will focus on shamanic resources like: visioning – being prepared – practices for recovering and increasing your energy, including recapitalization and forgiveness, ending suffering, creating abundance, connecting with reliable guidance, connecting with allies – especially wild creatures – journeying to resources and solutions, turning problems into circumstances that can be managed. These fee for these programs is $25 an intensive, which includes follow up and accountability.

Information and links for Applying Shamanism and Intensives


What is Applying Shamanism all about?

The short (6 minute) video covers it all: look into utilizing ancient wisdom, practices, and tools to become agile, creative, resourceful and responsive to the challenges that face us in 2025. If you’re already on the mailing list – you’re good! If this is new to you, please sign up to join the Applying Shamanism Community by emailing me at:

Video: Applying Shamanism for 2025

Applying Shamanism 2025

Experience practical magic in your life.

Shamanic practices are not about escaping into a trance state. They are about emerging from the trance state of chronic stress, distress, and disempowerment that we call “normal reality” and entering the realms of magic and mystery.

We are now living in a time of revelation, where everything is greatly amplified. It’s easy for us to see the confusion, desperation and exploitation that appears to dominate our world. And, when we focus on these aspects, we can feel overwhelmed, confused, and powerless to effect change. We can become despondent, feeling disempowered and paralyzed by fear or even worse… numb.

But, we don’t have to settle for that – we can choose to create another reality!

The realms of magic and miracles are available to us! And, because we can enter into an expanded field of opportunities and creative possibilities, we can then create better outcomes for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

My mission is to help you to connect with this creative and supportive world. I’m here to share with you traditions and practices that create beneficial outcomes – that look magical and miraculous, but that are the result of applying practical energetics to the situations and circumstances of your life.

The Applying Shamanism Program for 2025 includes many opportunities to participate in flowing energy in ways that are wildly creative and resourceful. I’m certain that you will experience profound benefit from joining in at any level. Please check it out and see how shamanic experiences and practices can enrich your life!

Our Applying Shamanism Community is an international group of individuals who are working toward a more expansive and inclusive world. Our community supports direct experiences of our innate agile, creative, resourceful, and responsive “feral” selves. And together we support the emergence of the wildly unique gifts that each of us brings to this life.

At the top of the home page, are links to services, private sessions, community offerings, shared celebrations and living ceremonies, as well as adventures and journeys into places of magic, mystery, and beauty, like Teotihuacan, Mexico.

To begin this path to increased benefit in your life, send me an email to join our mailing list, and begin experiencing practical magic for yourself:

Bringing a Blessing for 2025

We’re here at the long anticipated great turning point. Whether we’re entering a golden age or witnessing the end of world civilization is up to us. The ancient indigenous prophecy is that this is the time of the Rainbows – an emerging tribe that will bring healing and a restoration of harmony to the earth. The prophecy is clear that this moment we are now in is about people in their “rainbow bodies” bringing light, love, and care to the healing of our damaged world. Read on

Shamanic Services

The seemingly unsolvable problems, dilemmas, difficulties and life challenges we face can be transformed – because there is a revolutionary experience of life that can open for us beyond the limitations of what we’ve believed is possible. I will help you make direct contact with the unseen guidance and resources that surround you, and are within you. more…

Spingtime in Teotihuacan

Wednesday, April 2 through Tuesday, April 8, 2025!
Teotihuacan Mexico, is a place where the rising sun of awareness invites you to directly experience The Great Mystery – a reawakening of the agile feral creativity & innate giftedness at the center of your being!

Applying Shamanism 2025

January through July 2025
This year’s program is greatly expanded, with a comprehensive new workbook that gathers everything into one place. Plus,the addition of multiple opportunities to go deeper into a wide range range of practices, each taught by experienced person in our community.


Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue

Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue is dedicated to: the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of sick, injured, and orphaned wildlife; the promotion, understanding, appreciation, protection and conservation of wildlife through both our Educational Outreach Programs and our advocacy efforts. Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue also makes charitable contributions to animal rescue and rehabilitation organizations as authorized by the Board.

To Donate to the Sonoma County Wildlife Rescue please visit:



Leonard Peltier is a deeply spiritual man – an advocate of equal rights for indigenous peoples. His art and writings reveal a compassionate and loving elder who has been a political prisoner for the majority of his adult life. Bless him now and for the few years of freedom with his family and tribe that he has left.

Leonard Peltier – A Compassionate and Loving Elder

President Biden did not “pardon” Leonard Peltier. The White House said Peltier, who is now 80 and of declining health, will transition to home confinement. This commutation is not a pardon for crimes committed, a decision many of Peltier’s advocates welcomed because he has always maintained his innocence. This last-minute move as Biden left office angered law enforcement officers who believe he is guilty. Deep investigations of the circumstances surrounding the crimes he was charged with have been demonstrated that evidence was manufactured in order to have a “fall guy” to convict, proving that the FBI was doing its job.

Law enforcement has fought tooth and nail against the extensive evidence that Leonard Peltier was in fact innocent, as he has claimed for his 50 year life in captivity. The National Congress of American Indians celebrated this “historic” decision in a statement saying the case “has long symbolized the systemic injustices faced by Indigenous Peoples.”


A Shaman’s Guide to Deep Beauty by Francis Rico

A guide to moving into the spiral of Creation’s energy and discovering the deep beauty contained within each moment. It presents 11 simple practices, each a step on the spiral path, that will help you to embody the ageless wisdom of Spirit — bringing happiness, healing, and real magic into your life.