Registration for Supporting Members

Applying Shamanism Here and Now - Supporting Member

Registration & Payment Options for Supporting Members
To join our community, please review the membership information below and register using the form above. Please confirm registration with Francis via email at

Payment Options
By Check: Please mail payment to Francis Rico, 970 Phillips Ave, Petaluma, CA 94952
PayPal: (please add 3% paypal fee)

Venmo: @FrancisRico (no fee)

Become a Member
Applying Shamanism Here and Now is interactive real-time support for dealing with the complex challenges that face us in these turbulent times. My mission is to help you connect to the realms where magic and miracles are normal. To help you navigate our times, and align with creative and supportive energies, I offer insight into what is happening Here and Now with weekly, monthly, and time sensitive updates – along with opportunities to connect with me for private sessions.

Every Friday – I share a FREE weekly message. This video update offers a shamanic view of the situations we’re all experiencing. It includes creative responses to challenges we face, and it provides practices and resources to transform problems and reshape circumstances in creative life affirming ways.

Once a Month – or when it becomes urgent, important, and necessary – I share an intensive deep-dive, with registered members, into the origins, trends, challenges, concerns, and opportunities of the moment – along with suggestions for tools and resources for shifting the challenges we face by reshaping “reality” in ways that create mutually beneficial outcomes.

While the Weekly Friday updates are free, the monthly intensives and urgent updates are reserved for members. Membership is donation based – with a suggested donation of $22.00 per month. Like most things in our culture, funds are needed to create and continue this program. No one will be turned away from lack of funds, but if you can afford to donate more, please do. Your additional contributions will help offset costs for others who wish to participate but lack the financial resources.

For those seeking more direct access, or personal guidance on a one-to-one basis, I also offer private sessions for problem solving, consultation, shamanic work, and on-going support. Please see Shamanic Services page for descriptions of my offerings and the fee structures.

Membership Discounts
For Applying Shamanism Here & Now community members, 90 minute private sessions are discounted from $450 to $250. 45 minute practical problem solving sessions are discounted from $250 to $150 – while 30 minute session are reduced from $175 to $75. Multiple session bookings will receive an additional discount.