About Francis

“The beauty of wild creation, within us and surrounding us,
can help us heal, and can bring happiness and real magic into our lives –
we can become joyful and free!”

Musician, shaman, and author Francis Rico Hayhurst combines ancient and modern shamanic wisdom with a irrepressible advocacy for having fun and enjoying life – assisting his clients, students and fellow adventurers in awakening to the gift of their lives.

As a guide to the world’s sacred sites, Rico brings insight, humor and music along on every journey, opening the doorways of perception to opportunities for transformation and connection to the radiant essence of revelation to occur.

His home lies in Northern California, where he shares the beauty of the wild coastal mesas, cliffs, and ocean in support of his shamanic teaching, healing and counseling practices.

Francis Rico

My grandfather, Pedro Angel Fernandez, was a Maketo shaman, author, musician and philosopher. He influenced me to research every religious, mystical, shamanic, healing and energy work tradition known, from Sufism to Ecuadorian Sacramental Ayawaska, from Reiki to Tarot and from indigenous practices of every variety to Zen Buddhism and Transcendental Meditation.

My grandfather helped me discover that I have a unique gift – I am a “seer.” Early training with him formed a strong foundation, allowing me to now see clearly into the people and situations I encounter as a shaman.

We all have “gifts,” and a very satisfying part of the work I do is to help uncover, support and bring these gifts into being – helping you awaken to the gift of your life.

You will be encouraged to know that along with practices and work towards you well-being, the deep beauty of wild creation, within us and surrounding us, can also help us heal, bringing happiness and real magic into our lives – we can become joyful and free!

Francis’s book, A Shaman’s Guide To Deep Beauty,  shares stories and lessons from over 30 years of dedication to the shamanic pathways and teachers of indigenous wisdom traditions -including his gratitude for the gifts of the Toltec legacy and the mysterious beauty of Teotihuacan.

My book, A Shaman’s Guide To Deep Beauty,  shares stories, practices and procedures gathered from many years of dedication to the shamanic pathways and teachers of indigenous wisdom traditions. It has become a classic in shamanic literature because it is simple, clear and directly relevant to the new world we are entering now.

The Toltec traditions I practice, originate in the mysterious and beautiful plazas, temples and pyramids of Teotihuacan, Mexico.  Every year, I offer number of shamanic journey’s to Teotihuacan for adults, 20-somethings and families with children.

Along with Teotihuacan, I also guide people on journeys to the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu, in Peru, and to many of the world’s sacred sites. While the “work” is to open the doorways of perception to opportunities for transformation, we always have fun. We enjoy the journey, and I bring music and good times along with us.

I live in Northern California, and while we work in whatever way is convenient for you, I’m also very happy to share the beauty of the wild coastal mesas, cliffs, and ocean I love, in support of our shamanic teaching, healing and counseling work.

Contact me at [email protected]