Applying Shamanism 2025

Practical Magic with Francis Rico
Next Monthly Energetic Update

Sunday, February 23, 2025 at 11:00am PDT

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11:00am PDT / 12:00 Noon Mountain / 1:00pm Central & Mexico / 2:00pm East / 6:00pm England

To Register for this Intensive

Step 1: Send a payment of of $22.00 (suggested donation) by Paypal, Venmo, or check.
Step 2: Email Francis at [email protected] with a note that you are registering for this intensive.
Francis will confirm your registration and provide you with the Zoom link for this gathering.

If you can donate more, please do. It will help to cover the costs for the program and for others with more limited funds.* This intensive will be recorded for your convenience and a replay link will be sent to all registered participants after the program.

PayPal: [email protected]
Venmo: @FrancisRico
Mail a check to: Francis Rico, 970 Phillips Ave, Petaluma, CA, 94952
*No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Shamanic practices are not about escaping into a trance state. They are about emerging from the trance state of chronic stress, distress, and disempowerment that we call normal reality, and entering the realm of magic and mystery.

We are now living in a time of revelation, where everything is greatly amplified. It is easy for us to see the confusion, desperation and exploitation that appears to dominate our world. And, when we focus on these aspects of our situation, we can feel overwhelmed, confused, and powerless to effect change. We can become despondent, paralyzed by fear or even worse… numb.

But, we don’t have to settle for that – we can choose to create another reality!

The realms of magic and miracles are available to us! And, because we’re also in an expanded field of opportunities and creative possibilities, we can create better outcomes for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

My mission is to help you to connect with this creative and supportive world, and to share with you the traditions and practices that create beneficial outcomes – that look magical and miraculous, but that are the result of applying practical energetics to the situations and circumstances of your life.

The Applying Shamanism Program for 2025 includes many opportunities to participate in flowing energy in ways that are wildly creative and resourceful. I’m certain that you will experience profound benefit from joining in at any level. Please check it out and see how shamanic experiences and practices can enrich your life!


The 2025 Program continues

Applying Shamanism Here and Now is interactive real-time support for dealing with the complex challenges that face us in these turbulent times.

My mission is to help you connect to the realms where magic and miracles are normal. To help you navigate our times, and align with creative and supportive energies, I offer insight into what is happening Here and Now with weekly, monthly, and time sensitive updates – along with opportunities to connect with me for private sessions.

Every Friday – I share a FREE weekly message. This video update offers a shamanic view of the situations we’re all experiencing. It includes creative responses to challenges we face, and it provides practices and resources to transform problems and reshape circumstances in creative life affirming ways.

Once a Month – or when it becomes urgent, important, and necessary – I share an intensive deep-dive into the origins, trends, challenges, concerns, and opportunities of the moment – along with suggestions for tools and resources for shifting the challenges we face by reshaping “reality” in ways that create mutually beneficial outcomes.

While the Weekly updates are free, the monthly intensives and urgent updates are donation based – with a suggested donation of $22.00. Like most things in our culture, funds are needed to create and continue this program. No one will be turned away from lack of funds, but if you can afford to donate more, please do. Your additional contributions will help offset costs for others who wish to participate but lack the financial resources.

For those seeking more direct access, or personal guidance on a one-to-one basis, I also offer private sessions for problem solving, consultation, shamanic work, and on-going support. Please see “Shamanic Services” for descriptions of my offerings and the fee structures.

For Applying Shamanism Here & Now community members, 90 minute private sessions are discounted from $450 to $250. 45 minute practical problem solving sessions are discounted from $250 to $150 – while 30 minute session are reduced from $175 to $75. Multiple session bookings will receive an additional discount.

To join in our community, please send an email with your current email address to [email protected]

Registration & Payment Options for Monthly deep-dive gatherings and urgent updates
Please confirm registration with Francis via email at [email protected].

Payment Options
By Check: Please mail payment to Francis Rico, 970 Phillips Ave, Petaluma, CA 94952
PayPal: (please add 3% paypal fee)

Venmo: @FrancisRico (no fee)

Foundations of Applying Shamanism
This NEW instructional video course will be available soon!

Applying Shamanism Here and Now is interactive real-time support for dealing with the complex challenges that face us in these turbulent times.

This course includes 12 teaching videos with a linked written playbook. This course is perfect for those new to shamanism, and for anyone wanting to review foundational materials and practices.

The cost for the Foundations of Applying Shamanism course which includes the instructional videos and playbook is $222.00.

Contact me! I’m right here at [email protected]


by Emily Grieves, [email protected]

This portrait of Quetalpetlatl, by Emily Grieves is remarkably energetically powerful. It IS the presence of the magic and mystery of Teotihuacan. You may order a giclee of this painting from Emily ([email protected]) as a connection to include in your life and home.