
Bringing a Blessing for 2025

We’re here at the long anticipated great turning point.
Whether we’re entering a golden age or witnessing the end of world civilization is up to us.

The ancient indigenous prophecy is that this is the time of the Rainbows – an emerging tribe that will bring healing and a restoration of harmony to the earth. We’re not talking “Rainbow Warriors” – because war is so obviously obsolete and it is certainly not a path to creating a kind and compassionate world. Like “jumbo shrimp” and “military intelligence” – the term “Spiritual Warrior” is an oxymoronic statement! Another misunderstanding is to think that the Rainbow Tribe is just about people with different skin colors coming together. The prophecy is clear that this moment we are now in is about people in their “rainbow bodies” bringing light, love, and care to the healing of our damaged world.

So, what is this “rainbow body” that has been prophesized?
It’s you.

The rainbow body the radiant bio-photonic field that is the reality of you as a light being answering the call to “love in action” that is now ringing out is for us to emerge from the chronic contraction of disempowerment, obedience, compliance, and subservience to the trance state that governs our world “civilization.” Also known as the “matrix.”

The Great Harmonies of Creation are singing to us!
If, we listen…

We’re being invited to emerge as agile, wildly creative, resourceful, and responsive beings – essential for the well-being of life on our planet. We’re emerging from the centrifugal force field of our world’s three-ring circus of distraction, damage, and despair – into the sparkling rainbow radiance of being that is truly the gift of you. Which is your choice to make.

It is a simple choice for you here and now…

Do you want to remain a sleepwalking consumer who lives to eat-sleep-work-buy-stay distracted in an endlessly repeating loop or would you perfer to emerge into the light of your own giftedness as a creative being, bringing everything you’ve got to caring for the preciousness of life?

Let’s be honest here: Let’s look at the extent to which the containment system of our “civilization” is compromising you. The fear-based trance inducing systems that presently run our world are designed to dis-empower you by enforcing a state of chronic fear, contraction, and distress. In this system, you will only survive by playing it safe, staying within the lines, and not rocking the boat!

This year offers you a blessing from the heart of the Vast Self!

Here in this moment of restoration and regeneration we may gently align with Creation, and our giftedness flowers naturally. We may recover our agility, and our creativity ignites, along with our innate capacity to love and care. We may become free to collaborate, to cooperate, to co-create. And, we may celebrate!

Okay, it seems a little weird that we could celebrate while our present world is collapsing – disasters, emergencies, world on fire – flooding – becoming a desert – poisoned – bombed – a damaged mess. It’s heartbreaking that our species has damaged life on our beautiful little planet almost to the point of no return. But, if we look a little closer we see that the very same irresistible flowing harmony emanating from Source, that supports and amplifies our unique and essential gifts to life, is the same powerful energetic flow that is presently disintegrating the predatory exploitive systems that have governed our world. These systems are failing from within, failing from their core lack of integrity. They’ll take you down with them, unless you off-load the compromises they demand of you.

The movement towards repair, restoration, renewal, and recovery of well-being is up to us,
and it starts with something profoundly regenerative occurring within you.

So, we’re back to you. And, we come back to us, to our community of open hearts choosing to live with love, to live without fear – caring for life – celebrating life! Through broken hearts, the impossibly bright light of YES from the Vast Self shines through, illuminating our lives and bringing light to the challenges that face us.

If ever there was a time to care for life, this is it, HERE and NOW!

The gift of this year is allowing creation’s great YES to restore you. Our response to the challenges we face is to align with life, co-creating a new “reality” from our hearts, including everything we’ve learned and everything we’ve yearned for: peace, well-being for all, respect, sharing, abundance, and celebrating life in a sane, compassionate, and collaborative world – with every day a living ceremony, with every day a blessing.

Here’s the key:
Wherever you are, become quiet and listen. Let the song of creation move through you.

It’s the sacred that surrounds us, and the sacred that is us. Let yourself feel this deeply harmonious gift filling you with its vibrant luminosity. You will naturally include your family and friends, because you bring the blessing of creating beauty art, poetry, music, dance, cooking, or simply sharing pure wonder, to this world, knowing that your wild creativity is the turning point of life restoring and healing life on earth.

The gift of you, being in the world, wild and free-spirited, with love in your heart, is the blessing that brings blessings, healing and sanity to our world.

with love,
Francis Rico