The Summer Solstice of 2015
The Summer Solstice of 2015 will occur at 9:49 AM PDT on Sunday June 21st – this is a special moment of stillness within the wild whirling vortex of our planet’s dance with the sun.
It’s well worth waking up to the opportunity that this moment of illumination offers, and “being there.” Please do figure it out for your time zone. Okay?
In the days and nights leading up to this Solstice, I’ve been searching the heavens, scanning the horizon, talking with the plants, and listening to the creatures. In every way possible, I’ve searched for signs that point towards our evolutionary awakening into wellbeing, harmony, and peace.
And right now, as we are entering a new world of our own devising, our relationship with evolution has become especially relevant.
What we’re all longing for is a big moment of revelation!
We long for a moment when everything becomes clear and coherent, with a powerful shift away from the destructive systems and structures that have dominated our world.
We long for a shift into a light-filled world at peace – a healthy and restored world of beneficial collaborations with all species that we share life with. Including us.
So it is shocking to find that at this moment, everything, including revelation, is totally up to us!
In the past, Creation presented a special gift with each Solstice and Equinox – a reminder of the blessings that surround us. And frankly, we needed the help.
But now, it’s our turn to give the gift – the gift of life caring for life.
At the moment of this Solstice, there will be an energetic opening into the Vast Self, into the still center of the great spinning spiral of Being. It’s a magical opportunity for us to simply be who we really are. It is a moment where we reveal ourselves to ourselves – as wild untamed beings, who have brought ourselves here as a gift to this world.
Can you feel it? Now that’s revelation!
You can best support yourself in this moment by creating a Solstice Ceremony with family and friends in a place of wild natural beauty.
Gather together, and recognize that you are standing on holy ground.
Invite the light of awareness to shine in your lives. Express gratitude for the gift of life. Tune yourselves to the great flow of Being. Move together into silence, and allow the Great Mystery to reveal her beauty.
Hey, a place of wild beauty is great – but where ever you gather is going to be okay – because what we seek can most certainly be found within.
Within you is the wild and vibrant power of love for life.
It’s the power that moves the sun, the moon, and the stars. It’s the wind in the trees, and it is the trees, it’s the wild songs of the birds, and the silhouette traces of their free flight – it is the waves on the ocean, the rainbow spray of breaching whales, the shining eyes of the jaguar, the sleepy buzzing of summer bees, the rippling fields of wildflowers, the laughter of children.
This love for life, found deep within you, is the precious gift that you now bring to the world.
Blessings, with love,
Francis Rico