Our Lady of Unfolding Blessings
by Emily Grieves
Bring a giclee of this beautiful image into your home!
Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe
Sunday, December 11th and Monday, December 12th
Program Replays
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Join Francis Rico and Li-lan Hsiang Weiss for the celebration.
Share history and the true story of the Lady of Guadalupe and Her intercession. Which, includes the indigenous people’s deeper, less-known story of struggle and desperation. And, how their sorrow and prayers were answered by a Sacred Presence – Tonantzin – Our Lady of Light. Come and celebrate her Holy Day with a joy. This is a two part event.
On Sunday, December 11th, Francis shared the deep indigenous story of Our Lady of Guadalupe – Tonantzin – Our Lady of Light.
This 90-minute gathering includes a welcome and meditation message for our times with Li-lan. It provides an opportunity to get a sense of the bigger picture, and to experience the blessings of this miracle that continue even today – as we are faced with multiple over-lapping emergencies that threaten to devastate life as we know it, just like the indigenous population in Central Mexico in 1531, at the time of her arrival.
REPLAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiQbhPq6hM8
On Monday, December 12, Li-lan, Francis and the community gathered to celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe – Tonantzin – Our Lady of Light’s Holy Day!
This celebration is sweet, silly, fun, deep, touching, real, evocative, everything a celebration can be, not a tied down ritual. We share Her story, and the opportunity we have for a intimate and profound relationship with Te Coatlaxopeuh – “She who emerges from the region of light like an Eagle of Fire.”
With prayers, blessing, a poem from Xochitl, a song from White Star, a visit with Rosa, and videos of celebrations from Lilan’s community in N. Carolina, we enjoy time and life together in our global community. There is a special meditation/prayer at the end of this gathering with Francis playing Ave Maria…. you will enjoy this, and you will even touch the mystery, the miracle of Her Presence.
REPLAY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=btDOM0YDzc0
