Shamanic Services

Personal Energetic TransformationPractical Problem SolvingCeremonies & CelebrationsEnergetic Clearings & Blessings

The seemingly unsolvable problems, dilemmas, difficulties and life challenges we face can be transformed – because there is a revolutionary experience of life that can open for us beyond the limitations of what we’ve believed is possible.

I will help you make direct contact with the unseen guidance and resources that surround you, and are within you. And, by drawing on the energy and innate intelligence at the core of life itself, we’ll bring practical solutions and beneficial outcomes to the issues of your life.

You do not have to believe anything for our shamanic work to be effective. You simply have to be willing to experiment with the guidance, resources and practices that emerge from our work together.

Here is a discussion of how shamanism helps, with a range of services and fees, along with my background.

How does shamanism help deal with your issues?
To paraphrase Jesus, “the kingdom of energy surrounds us, but we don’t see it…” Until we do. And then, a revolutionary new experience of life beyond the limitations of what we’ve believed becomes possible. The seemingly unsolvable problems and difficulties we face can be transformed. “Problems” become situations – and situations resolve into beneficial outcomes.

How do I support you in this transformation?
I help you make direct contact with the unseen guidance and resources that surround you and are within you. And, by drawing on the energy and innate intelligence at the core of life itself, we bring practical solutions and improvements to the issues of your life.

Working with indigenous elders, healers and shamans over the past 40 years, I have walked the path into initiation and practice in three ancient wisdom traditions: 1) the Toltec traditions of Teotihuacan Mexico, 2) the transcendent global visioning and healing work of American Southwest Plains Holy Man Tslew-teh-koyeh, (aka Beautiful Painted Arrow), and, 3) the pre-Incan shamanism of the Kallayays of Lake Titicaca and the Royal Andes in Peru and Bolivia.

Each of these modalities has rich and deep mythologies and cosmologies – and each has resources and tools shaped by many generations of healers and shaman. While I have the highest affection and respect for these traditions, and I include the use of tools and practices from each, I do not superimpose any methods or belief systems in my work with you.

Together, we look into the worldview and circumstances that you have created in your life. And we include the legacies, lineages and issues that you have inherited. From that starting place, Spirit – Divine Presence – or whatever you want to call it – illuminates what we need to see, and provides what ever is needed to bring healing, creating resolution and positive outcomes.

You do not have to learn or believe anything for my shamanic work with you to be effective. You simply have to be willing to experiment with the guidance, resources and practices that emerge from our work together.


Range of  Shamanic Services

1. Personal – life issues
2. Practical – specific problem solving

3. Ceremonial – celebration of life passages
4. Home & Business – clearing and blessing


Below are details about the shamanic services offered and the typical donation accepted for these service. Generally, those who can afford to give more, do so. Which, helps to support those who cannot. Whatever your situation is, please don’t let money stop you from contacting me and getting help.

1. Personal – life issues
Personal sessions involve deep work and inquiry – revealing, illuminating and allowing increased flexibility and shifting of unconscious patterns that manifest unresolved and undesirable patterns, issues, problems and circumstances in your life.The goal of our work is the manifestation of your desired outcomes – resulting from the restoration of choice, along with support of your capacity to enjoy the gift of life.

Another type of personal session involves energetic clearing and cleansing for the purpose of mobilizing deep resources for healing and re-organizing of life circumstances – supporting the restoration of well being and happiness.

Personal Life Issue Intensive Sessions average 75 minutes for a cost of $350. If multiple sessions are required, it is possible to purchase a multiple session package, with a discounted rate for additional sessions.

Personal sessions can be scheduled for Zoom video conferencing, FaceTime, FB Messenger, Skype, phone or in person

2. Practical – specific problem solving
Do you want an accurate look into a specific problematic issue? Along with finding solutions that will actually work?

Classically, issues fall into one of four categories: mind, body, emotions and spirit. Or, put another way, issues can include ethical dilemmas, health, love & relationship concerns, work, career, money, and a range of crisis situations and potential opportunities.

Together we illuminate the issue you’re faced with, and instead of the “bad vs. worse” solutions that seem to be the only options (but that don’t really solve anything), we’ll see the full range of creative and innovative solutions that are possible. And you’ll know what to do.

Practical Specific Single Issue Problem Solving session typically last 30-45 minutes for a cost of $100 to $200.

Practical sessions can be scheduled for Zoom video conferencing, FaceTime, FB Messenger, Skype, phone or in person

3. Ceremonial – celebration of life passages
Ceremonies of life passages include celebrations of births, initiations, weddings, anniversaries and memorial services. I am a licensed ULC Reverend, and have performed many weddings – I specialize in co-creating ceremonies that fit you, your family, and your friends and community.

The key is to invoke and acknowledge the presence of the Sacred in the passages of our lives.

Ceremonial Celebration of Life Passages vary in duration. The cost of a celebration event ranges between $750 to $1,500 plus travel expenses.

We can schedule a “no cost” consultation by Zoom video conferencing, FaceTime, FB Messenger, Skype, phone or in person

4. Home & Business – clearing and blessing
Homes and businesses have energetic histories and circumstances as complex and multi-dimensional as people.

Homes: A three-part process is necessary to bless a home.

First: Energetic cleaning and clearing of stagnant obstructive energies.
Second: Realignment and consecration of the sacred gift contained within every home.
Third: A family and friends celebration and re-dedication ceremony of the home, with the creation of a home altar.

Businesses: Each business is unique.

New businesses benefit greatly from being blessed by all participants in a special inaugural ceremony and celebration. Behind the scenes, before the ceremony, a cleaning and clearing of the past uses of the business location creates a fresh start for the new business.

Existing businesses can suffer from on-going obstructed energy – with people experiencing depression, sluggishness, and being effected by on-going trauma and drama. An obstructed energy flow hurts business performance – and can be cleared, restored to healthy flow, and realigned, consecrated and rededicated to the best outcomes for everyone in the business.

Real Estate: Obstructed and stagnant energies in a property can cause a house to sit with little interest, with deals falling apart instead of leading to a sale. Potential clients can’t put their finger on why they are uncomfortable about a property, but they react by backing away from it. Home and business cleaning, clearing and consecration techniques outlined above will restore well-being and “flow” – leading directly to sales.

Home & Business clearings, realignments, blessings and celebrations vary in duration. The cost of a this type of an event ranges between $750 to $1,500 plus travel expenses.

Contact me at with details, and we can schedule a “no cost” consultation on your home, business or real estate.