Shamanism and Practical Magic

What is a Shaman?

When most people think of the word shaman they picture an indigenous person wearing feathers and leather moccasins circling a blazing fire with a shaker, performing incantations and strange rituals. Actually, “shaman” is a term describing a vibrational art – of being able to see, feel, hear and know things that are higher, deeper and outside of the realm of “normal” reality. 

Anyone can learn, experience, and apply shamanic skills and practices to better understand and deal with the world around us. This is what shamanzone is about. Shamanism provides guidance for your journey, and tools for navigating the world around you with grace and compassion. It offers an alternative to fear and anxiety, through alignment with authenticity and love. Listen to Francis briefly describe his work in this radio interview: 


Journey Into the World of Practical Magic

Francis practices and teaches “practical magic” – what could also be called practical energetics. He utilizes the latest developments in astro-physics, quantum physics, and neurobiology, combined with the ancient Source wisdom traditions of the indigenous people of the Americas in ways that support the evolutionary emergence of gifted, agile, wildly creative, and resourceful people.

“Healing” and greatly increased well-being are beneficial side-effects of the “flowering” of beauty and “love in action” of the people that Francis works with.


An Invitation to Life

Shamanism is the mysterious vibrational art of expanding above, below, and beyond the contracted limitations of “normal reality” into a realm of expansive possibilities and creative alternatives. This capacity is innate within you – to live fully, enjoyng the gift of life, and expressing the gifts given to you by Creation – living as a wild and passionately caring being – agile, creative, resourceful and responsive to life.

The simple truth: your expanded capacity for love, compassion, and caring is the evolutionary transformation and awakening now emerging within our species.

My grandfather, Pedro Angel Fernandez, was a “Maketo” – someone who traveled between worlds. I continue our lineage with the recognition that we’re all being called to ignite our creative agility and joy, bringing life affirming responses to the damage and distress caused by the powerful predatory exploitative systems that have ruled our world for too long.

I celebrate the expression of your deepest inner resources and gifts, including your healing and expanded well-being, extending to your family, your friends, your neighbors, community, work relationships, and to all who we share life with here on Earth.

My book – A Shaman’s Guide to Deep Beauty is a highly recommended introduction to this realm of expansive possibilities – with shamanic wisdom stories, practices, and exercises to help you navigate these changing times.

Please look around, and make yourself at home. I invite you to contact me at: [email protected] with your questions and concerns, and let’s share the magic and miracles of this “path of mutual benefit.”

The Shamanzone is a place to gather.
It offers community programs, practices, and journeys with personal
shamanic services to support you on your path.