
Celebrate Tonantzin’s Holy Day • Tuesday, December 12

Celebrate Tonantzin’s Holy Day, Tuesday, December 12, 2024
with Francis Rico and Robin White Star


“Tonantzin” – Our Lady of Light – is the Nahuatl name for “Our Lady of Guadalupe” – the magical being who changed the course of history in 1531 when in response to the prayers of the indigenous people she appeared, creating miracles to prove to the local Bishop that She was Her Holy Presence, asking that the killing of Her children stop and that Her image be placed in the churches of Mexico so that the people would know that She was there and that their prayers would be heard and answered.

Join Francis Rico and Robin White Star LIVE for the story of Her intercession, including the deeper and less well-known indigenous story of people’s desperation – and of their prayers being answered by a Sacred Presence – Tonantzin – Our Lady of Light.

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Celebrate Tonantzin’s Holy Day with Francis Rico and Robin White Star
Tuesday December 12th, 2023 at 4:00pm PST

Use this link 5 minutes in advance of our meeting:
Meeting ID: 576 058 0392 – Pass code: 3380199
4:00pm PST / 5:00pm Mountain / 6:00pm Central / 7:00pm East / 12 Mid-Night England